What is endnote reference library in trial version
What is endnote reference library in trial version

Also see our support page on EndNote Online. You can also log into the Web-based EndNote Online platform ( ) using your EndNote Online details to manage the Library in your Web browser.Ensure ' Sync Automatically' is checked, then click ' OK'.You are advised to use your campus email when registering. Please note all credentials used when setting up your EndNote Online account:.If you already have an ‘EndNote Online’ account you can supply the same email address and password when you registered for EndNote Online. Alternatively, click ' Enable Sync', then click ' Sign Up' to create an EndNote Online account.In EndNote Desktop go to Edit > Preferences > Sync.This will ensure your EndNote library is periodically saved online, avoiding any future loss of data. If you are using EndNote Desktop on a personal device (your own computer off-campus) you should ‘sync’ your Library using an ‘EndNote Online’ account. EndNote Desktop is not Web-based and stores references on your local computer.

What is endnote reference library in trial version